Ergonomics & HOF

Repositioning the human being at the heart of the company to increase performance and reliability, a major challenge for our time.
This is one of the challenges of our experts in Ergonomics and Human Factors.

The human and organisational factors (HOF) and ergonomics are the foundations of a solid, profitable company. Our specialists focus their approach on the Man at Work to achieve the right balance between the individual, his production tools and his professional environment.

By optimizing the organizations and processes related to human activities, we contribute to improve the working conditions, we limit costs and work accidents and we increase the performance and the reliability of the "Man-Machine" system.

Our structured and systemic approach is based on defined and proven methods. It is implemented by specialists supervised by highly qualified experts, relying in particular on normative reference frames.

Our offer

Our team of specialists offers a response adapted to the specific nature of the requests to provide "tailor-made" solutions.

Design and layout

The integration of the needs of future users is essential in order to promote acceptability, while taking into account your technical and financial issues. Thus, we set up a support approach adapted to your needs and objectives. Our working method is based on information gathered in the field, the proposal of solutions via prototypes and mock-ups, and the evaluation of solutions via user tests/trials.

Adaptation of HMIs (Human Machine Interfaces)

We contribute to the design of useful and usable GUIs by capitalizing on our skills in user interface (UI) user experience (UX).

Making organizations more reliable

We help you to take into account Organizational and Human Factors (OHF) to make organizational structures more reliable and to anticipate the occurrence of events. This analysis is carried out :

  • Either through an in-depth analysis the organisation and the means implemented to detect weaknesses in it
  • Either via the punctual analysis of events (incidents or accidents) that have occurred.

In all cases we identify areas for improvement that can be transformed into new organizational arrangements.

our added value

  • Interventions in sectors of activity with strong constraints, particularly in terms of confidentiality.
  • Appropriation of technical and complex subjects
  • Integration of our interventions at the various stages of projects in connection with the various professions concerned
  • A geographical distribution: Marseille, Lyon, Paris...
  • Specific resources:
    - A physical and mobile User Lab to carry out user tests on GUIs
    - R&D activities: A PhD student financed by own funds

Our offer

Our team of specialists offers a response adapted to the specific nature of the requests to provide "tailor-made" solutions.

Design and layout

The integration of the needs of future users is essential in order to promote acceptability, while taking into account your technical and financial issues.

Thus, we set up a support approach adapted to your needs and objectives. Our working method is based on information gathered in the field, the proposal of solutions via prototypes and mock-ups, and the evaluation of solutions via user tests/trials.

Making organizations more reliable

We help you to take into account Organizational and Human Factors (OHF) to make organizational structures more reliable and to anticipate the occurrence of events. This analysis is carried out :

  • Either through an in-depth analysis the organisation and the means implemented to detect weaknesses in it
  • Either via the punctual analysis of events (incidents or accidents) that have occurred.

In all cases we identify areas for improvement that can be transformed into new organizational arrangements.

Adaptation of HMIs (Human Machine Interfaces)

We contribute to the design of useful and usable GUIs by capitalizing on our skills in user interface (UI) user experience (UX).

Our added value 

  • Interventions in sectors of activity with strong constraints, particularly in terms of confidentiality.
  • Appropriation of technical and complex subjects
  • Integration of our interventions at the various stages of projects in connection with the various professions concerned
  • A geographical distribution: Marseille, Lyon, Paris...
  • Specific resources:
    - A physical and mobile User Lab to carry out user tests on GUIs
    - R&D activities: A PhD student financed by own funds


Defence Sector
  • Design of an instrumented simulation system for training military personnel
  • Development of support buildings
  • Design of specific equipment for the armed forces
  • Improvement of working conditions in an aircraft maintenance workshop

Nuclear Sector
  • Consideration of ergonomics and HOF in the design of new equipment or facilities
  • Support for the operation of existing facilities : Safety review / Organisational analysis / Event analysis from a HOF perspective
  • Analysis of decommissioning scenarios
  • Support for digital transformation projects (AGILE method)

Transportation Sector
  • Design of centralized and on-board control stations in the Tramway
  • Improvement of tramway driver's cabs

Industry Sector
  • Upgrade workshop and workstations
  • Analysis of the difficulties at the workstations for the management of the end of careers

Medical Sector
  • Design of alternative communication software
  • Analysis of events in health care institutions

Public Service Sector
  • Organizational analysis Renovation of a workshop and its workstations
  • Study of the local organisation and work ergonomics of maintenance and intervention centres on the road network

Testimonials Collaborators


Anne-Laure W.

HOF Expert - Seres Technologies

After more than 20 years of experience as an ergonomist and specialist in Organizational and Human Factors, one might expect a certain lassitude... It is not! My professional experiences have led me to carry out HOF studies in various fields: transport, medical, nuclear, public sector, defence, etc. The different facets of my job mean that I have never been confronted with monotony. Within SERES - which is developing in a significant but controlled way - I have found a team of dynamic, competent and professional HOF specialists working seriously in a relaxed atmosphere. One of the values defended by the Chairman of the company is the well-being of its employees, so what more could one ask for?


Nathalie D.

Experienced Senior HOF Specialist - Seres Technologies
Listen, decipher, propose...

I appreciate the diversity of the missions entrusted to me. Each client is different, it's up to me to diagnose their real needs. It's a collaborative work. In the field, I have to understand the stakes inherent to work situations in order to propose the most consensual solutions. These human encounters and the diversity of technical subjects are the richness of my job.


Laetitia P.

Spécialiste FOH Senior expérimentée – Seres Technologies
Soutien et solidarité

With an initial training as an engineer in mechanical design and ergonomics, I have been a HOF consultant in the industry for 6 years. Integrating human factors into a project requires know-how, and requires a specific approach to respond precisely to the client's problems. What I like about my job is the diversity of the services I provide. I can intervene at all levels of an organisation, whether it be during a design project, during a service in operation... Observations in the field and working groups are an important part of our approach. At SERES, I can work in complete serenity with the support of my management and my supportive team.


In an industry that is constantly changing, where standards and regulations are constantly evolving and where constant monitoring is required, having up-to-date knowledge is a major challenge in terms of competitiveness and regulatory compliance.

Contact us

Didier Garcia

Director of the Ergonomics and HOF cluster - Director of the User Lab

  • 04 91 11 87 70
  • Head office - PACA Agency

    10 place de la Joliette
    Atrium HD CS 90671
    13453 Marseille Cedex 2